Sunday, June 15, 2008

"The Box Office" Update - 6/15/03

The script for "The Box Office" has been transcribed and it comes in at just over 11 pages. However, I did not describe the the musical number at length, so that will add roughly 2.5-3 minutes to the screen time when it plays out.

Also, I re-pitched it to the Central Kentucky Cinema Society Writers/Production group tonight. It got a lukewarm reception. Not quite the interest it got when I pitched the idea to the group a little over a month ago. I also feel I misinterpreted what the CKCS provides. Therefore, a lot of the production aspects are going to be left up to me or someone I can get to do those chores. Thinking about it more, this might be a great opportunity for me to make more connections and learn some things.

So, the first draft is done. Now I need to sit down with it and see where it might be fixed. They have started a dedicated writer's group that will meet every other Monday (for awhile at least) at 6 p.m. The first meeting is a week from tomorrow. I might take this script then, since it's the one I am most excited about right now.


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